individual & collective healing

one mind, body, and soul at a time. 


Vision & values

Triune Health & Wellness (THW) understands the implications of generational trauma that affects the wellness of communities, families and individuals. We desire that those we work with would feel liberated in ways that acknowledges their own identity, roots, and unique self. That they would experience healing that is liberation-focused and makes room for the mind, body and soul to be one.

Triune Health & Wellness (THW) understands the impact that society’s own emotional process has on collective communities, families and individuals. THW integrates their awareness of the impact of sexism, classism, racism, war, and other forms of oppression on families emotional process generationally in the healing services we offer.



Group Consulting


transracial adoption resources


About ME

“Healing Begins where the wound was made”

— Alice Walker